The Books You can Discuss with Your Ukrainian Lady

Ukrainian lady

If there is one thing that unites many parts of the world, it’s a love of literature. So, what books can you discuss with your Ukrainian lady?

Talking about a good book that you have read is something people have done for decades, in fact, probably for hundreds of years. With books translated into many languages, people can read well-known novels just about wherever they are in the world and then share the experience with friends who have read the same book.

Ukrainian lady

Is reading one of your hobbies?

This gives you a great talking point to explore with your Ukrainian lady. The secret is to find out what books she enjoys reading and then see if you can get the same ones to read yourself. If you want to suggest some books, then you’re probably going to need a mixture between well-known worldwide titles and some more specific Ukrainian novels.

To give you some ideas of books you can talk about with your Ukrainian lady, here are some good ones to start with.

The Forest Song, by Lesya Ukrainka

The Forest Song is a drama that was first written and released all the way back in 1911. It’s a classic Ukrainian tale written by the activist Lesya Ukrainka. It explores the problems in the relationship between man and nature, but it was so popular that it was performed on stage at the Kiev Drama Theater several years after release. 

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

There are fewer more famous or iconic love stories than that of Romeo and Juliet by the great English writer William Shakespeare. It tells the sale of two star-crossed lovers whose death eventually unites their feuding families. It’s given rise to movies and plays by the same name and the work has been translated into many languages.

Shadows of the Forgotten Ancestors, by Mykhalio Kotsiubynsky

Ukrainian lady

What do you think of reading together?

Very much known as a Ukrainian version of Romeo and Juliet, Shadows of the Forgotten Ancestors is a great read and one your Ukrainian lady will enjoy discussing. It touches on traditional cultures, beliefs and ways of life, not to mention family rivalries. 

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Another one of the all-time classics, your Ukrainian lady will love reading this and then talking about it with you. The story takes many twists and turns but essentially the love between all the characters never diminishes. 

Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy

Referred to by some of the great writers ever as the greatest work of literature ever produced, Anna Karenina by Russian author Leo Tolstoy is a true classic. Your Ukrainian lady has almost certainly read it already, but this complex novel will have you both coming back for more. There is so much to discuss.