Thanks to your website I’m now engaged to be married to my Russian bride! It was a lovely winter morning when I decided to sign-up for your website while I was out for a coffee in downtown. Within 10 minutes I began talking with Anna after seeing her profile and I couldn’t leave the coffee shop! I was having such a great time chatting to her! I did not expect things to…
I could never imagine, that online dating could lead not only to something but to a serious relationship that is blossoming now between me and Darina. A simple letter from a smiling lady with an interesting profile – that is what it took to get me. We both are very simple people with the same goals and dreams. Thank you AllTverLadies!
I want to share my story of how I am a married man now - with the help of luck and this wonderful site. Marina is a wonderful woman from Kiev, we had a nice correspondence but I wasn't sure and thought of her more as a friend. After several months I went to Kiev on a business trip and why not meet her? She agreed, I asked the site for help. You can guess…
It could be you! Cheesy, but true. You, like me, could find your perfect love affair or lifelong partner. I love this site. It makes it so easy to chat with people wherever in the world they live and find women who make you smile. I am four months into a relationship with Karen. She is more than I could have hoped for. She made chatting online so easy – and we met up for the…
Now I am even happier that I've entered this site last year! I've found Angelina here and now my quarantine is not as dull as it could be. We spend a lot of time chatting, I'm getting used to her in my life. Maybe I am ready to come to her in Nikolaev once this whole coronavirus hell is over! Thank you AllTverLadies!
What can I say? This site is just awesome! So many beautiful, intelligent women. And they all seem so genuine. I took a bit of punt signing up here. I didn’t really know what to expect. But I can’t rate it enough. I’ve always loved the Russian accent – my family is from there originally – but you don’t come across it very often in Oz. Through this site, I’ve met some…
From the start I had been thinking "It can't be real, it's too good to be true", but now I am sure - it is true, and it is true love. Nika and I are going to get married as soon as the borders open. Thank you for letting us meet here!
I was a little embarrassed when I first considered signing up here. It felt like something I shouldn’t tell other people about. But you know what? This is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m divorced. I don’t want to waste my time on empty dates. And I don’t want to see a woman I like run a mile when she finds out that I already have children. Online dating…
The best ladies in the world are here, come and check yourself, lads. I've spend here almost a year and a half and now leaving, hand in hand with my one and only. Good luck to all of you!
I have been a member of this dating service for well over a year. I have had some lovely times chatting with some wonderful people. I thought well his is nice – a place where I can find likeminded people and have some fun. I could see who would share common interests with me and I would send them a message. But, for the last couple of months I have found something a little more with…
You know, online dating is one of the best ideas this world has ever produced. You look through the profile of the ladies who are totally interested in search of love, not only simple chat. I am talking for one lady for quite some time, we do not rush up as she had her heart broken, but I will totally heal it and win her love. Wish me luck, guys!
I hold quite an important position and it is easy to worry that people are only interested in you because of money or status. I used the dating services even though I could have had anyone I wanted because I needed to meet someone who wanted me and not my job. Anyway, I found Catherine and she is a beautiful soul. She couldn’t be less interested in the fanfare around my work and just…
I met Inna here on AllTverLadies only 9 months ago but now I don’t understand how I’ve lived all these years without her! We’re totally in love with each other and I’m going to visit her in Russia in Spring. I can’t wait to hug her tight! transformed my life - and that’s not an exaggeration. I’m not the most comfortable guy in social situations, and as I come from a small town, I just wasn’t meeting many new people, let alone beautiful women. Six months ago I signed up on your website and it’s been a true adventure. I think true love is just around the corner and I’ve already had some wonderful memories and…
I just want to check-in and update the great people at and update you on our wonderful relationship which started on your magnificent website! Alina and I are expecting our first child together in six month’s time, and we couldn’t be happier. We’re also engaged now! Life is incredible for both of us right now so I want to thank you for making all of this possible. We’re…