Ukrainian single Viktoria from Odessa personal profile

Member's ID43363
Zodiac signTaurus
Birthday08 May 1980
Height5' 5'' (1.65m)
Weight114 Lbs (52 kg)
Hair colorBlond
Eye colorGrey
OccupationOffice Position
Marital statusSingle
English spokenbasic
Childrendaughter, 11 y.o.
Plans childrenUndecided


Is there anything you want to do but you are afraid of it? I am a lady, who is not afraid to take a risk and to make my life adventurous. If you want, I will help you to fill your life with bright colors and make your dreams come true. As for me, it is better to do and regret than to regret that you haven’t done. Do you agree with me? As we have a lot of chances which we miss. So, maybe you and me are here with a great chance to become happy with each other?! What do you think? Strong family values are my priorities. Creating a family, having children, feeling love and care are very important for me. These are things which come first for me. You know, I have one trait which is very exceptional. Please, do not think I am too proud. I just know that not every woman has it. I am a forgiving person. To forgive is a very important thing in our lives, as each of us makes mistakes. So, my position is to be kind, try to forgive and give people one more chance. Do you agree? Keeping secrets is one of my good traits too. All my friends ask me for advices and tell me their life stories without any doubts. They know that everything they have told will stay with me. :) So, if you have some interest in me and want to know what else is hidden in my soul, I will be glad to tell you!

My personality

There is nothing more interesting for me than to spend time with relatives and beloved ones. Each minute with the people you love should be valued and appreciated. To be healthy and fit is very important for me, but usual trainings and exercises are not for me. Figure skating is a thing which brings me a lot of pleasure. First of all, it is very beautiful and exciting and secondly it makes all the muscles work. I really like it. If I have a good mood and some free time I devote it to dancing. It helps me to relax. And it does not matter what music plays, it comes from the depth of my soul. :) In the evening I like watching movies, reading books or if the weather is fine I go for a stroll with a great pleasure. Do you like evening strolls in the green parks?

I'm looking for

As a reasonable woman, I understand that my character is not the best one in the world. So, if you are naughty it is not a problem. We will be naughty together. :) What I really want from my man is to be serious and to dream about having a nice family. If both of us want the same things, then it can happen very soon. Right? Also one more thing which is very important for me is that you should be romantic. I have always dreamt about romantic dinners and breakfasts, walking by the sea, watching sunsets and kissing. I really want these to be in our relationships all the time.

Horoscope of Viktoria from Odessa

Viktoria is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)

Horoscope describes Viktoria as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something (or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal. This is very little that will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Viktoria and she may seem somewhat old-fashioned at first.

It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.

Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Viktoria from Odessa using services.
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