Asian single Yuke (Keke) from Shanghai personal profile

Member's ID52560
Zodiac signGemini
Birthday25 May 2001
Height5' 6'' (1.67m)
Weight101 Lbs (46 kg)
Hair colorBrown
Eye colorBrown
Marital statusSingle
English spokenbasic
ReligionNot religious
Plans childrenYes


I like listening to music, dancing with the rhythm, watching movies in the cinema with my friends. When watching movies, I always have popcorn and cola in my hands. I love traveling, taking photos. I have a good outlook.

My personality

I’m a tender, kind-hearted, pure, open-minded, easy-going and optimistic woman. Just like a rose. But some people pay attention to the thorn on under the rose.

I'm looking for

I hope to find someone who is good-hearted, loyal, sincere, caring and kind. I am seeking my love. I am quite positive and passionate about our bright future.

Yuke (Keke)'s Interview

My favorite music:
My favorite movie:
My favorite sport:
My favorite flower:
My favorite season:
My favorite color:
My favorite fruit:
My favorite holiday:
summer holiday
Most of all I like...
Most of all I dislike...
I would like to go to...
I dream about...
What animal do I associate myself with?
In childhood I dreamed of becoming...
a pilot
My friends and relatives call me...
The most unforgettable present I ever got:
The best place I've already been to...
What I would like to change in myself?
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
night owl

Horoscope of Yuke (Keke) from Shanghai

Yuke (Keke) is Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st)<br><br>
	The Gemini woman will be forever hungry for new experiences. Her imagination is fertile, her 
	curiosity insatiable, and her child-like wonder infectious. Time spent with her is never dull.
	 Yuke (Keke) will charm you with stories of things she has seen and done. She is a natural in just 
	 about any social situation and is likely to have a seemingly enormous circle of friends and 
	The one thing a Gemini woman cannot tolerate is boredom. Yuke (Keke) thrives on change, excitement 
	and surprises, so if you want to be with her, you must never be too predictable. Thankfully, 
	she doesn’t have a materialistic bone in her body, so when it comes to gifts, it will always 
	be the thought behind them that matters to her.
	Because of her need for never-ending stimulation, a Gemini woman will always be up for something 
	unexpected in the bedroom. She will never be uncomfortable discussing even the most intimate 
	topics, and in fact, lively sexual conversation is likely to turn her on even more.  Again, 
	the caution here is that you must continually mix things up to keep her happy. Too much of any 
	thing, even a very good thing, is never going to satisfy this woman. Contact Yuke (Keke) from Shanghai 
	using services.
Yuke (Keke) is Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st)

The Gemini woman will be forever hungry for new experiences. Her imagination is fertile, her curiosity insatiable, and her child-like wonder infectious. Time spent with her is never dull. Yuke (Keke) will charm you with stories of things she has seen and done. She is a natural in just about any social situation and is likely to have a seemingly enormous circle of friends and acquaintances.

The one thing a Gemini woman cannot tolerate is boredom. Yuke (Keke) thrives on change, excitement and surprises, so if you want to be with her, you must never be too predictable. Thankfully, she doesn’t have a materialistic bone in her body, so when it comes to gifts, it will always be the thought behind them that matters to her.

Because of her need for never-ending stimulation, a Gemini woman will always be up for something unexpected in the bedroom. She will never be uncomfortable discussing even the most intimate topics, and in fact, lively sexual conversation is likely to turn her on even more. Again, the caution here is that you must continually mix things up to keep her happy. Too much of any thing, even a very good thing, is never going to satisfy this woman. Contact Yuke (Keke) from Shanghai using services.
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