Ukrainian single Anzhelika from Cherkassy personal profile

Member's ID53572
Zodiac signPisces
Birthday20 Mar 1998
Height5' 8'' (1.72m)
Weight121 Lbs (55 kg)
Hair colorBlond
Eye colorGreen
Marital statusSingle
English spokenbasic
Plans childrenYes


I have always been interested not only in trying various culinary novelties, but also in cooking them myself. By nature, I like to experiment in the kitchen, so as a child I always liked to watch how my mother prepared food in the kitchen. In general, cooking for me is a real art that I want to learn all the time, and since there are a huge number of dishes in the world, and more and more new recipes are created every day, I think I will never get tired of doing this business. Apart from cooking, I like to play sports. My favorite sport is Muay Thai. Why did I choose Muay Thai? Because it motivates me, helps me develop my skills and abilities, and builds my character. And yet, Thai boxing is one of the most spectacular, oldest martial arts in the world, which keeps the traditions of Thai culture. And traveling for me is always great and exciting, as well as a great way to get a lot of new experiences.

My personality

I consider myself a very positive, smart, fun and open lady, so I always try to surround myself with the same positive people as me! I am deeply convinced that a woman is that magical and amazing spark that creates warmth and comfort in the house, and her main role in life is to love her man. I can say that I am a very kind, passionate, caring person and open to any changes and challenges that life can bring me.

I'm looking for

I am looking for that rare man who can wake up my heart and make him sing with love and happiness! I see this special person as a caring, honest, generous and loving person who enjoys every moment in life and is open to new possibilities and feelings. I see myself with a man whose main gift to me will be a sense of confidence in the future, a sense of security next to him and, of course, his selfless love for such a pretty lady like me.

Horoscope of Anzhelika from Cherkassy

Anzhelika is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that there is something magical about her and you’re right. Anzhelika is tremendously empathic, almost to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even sure yourself.

Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Anzhelika will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.

The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted to you. Contact Anzhelika from Cherkassy using services.)
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