Ukrainian single Anastasiia from Kyiv personal profile

Ukrainian single woman Anastasiia from Kyiv
Confirmed profile


id: 54500
age: 27
Member's ID54500
Zodiac signTaurus
Birthday21 Apr 1997
Height5' 5'' (1.65m)
Weight99 Lbs (45 kg)
Hair colorDark Blond
Eye colorBlue
Marital statusSingle
English spokenfair
Plans childrenYes


Sport is not just a hobby, but a way of life for me. I am actively involved in physical exercise, be it running, swimming, yoga or fitness. I love to cook and experiment in cooking. Cooking delicious dishes is an art for me. Photography is my way of capturing life`s moments. I adore animals and have a special connection with them. Also travel, various exhibitions and concerts, theater, self-development, etc.

My personality

I am a creative person who is inspired by beauty and harmony in the world. My femininity shows in everything I do and in my attitude towards life. I appreciate art and beauty, and try to bring them into my life and the lives of those around me. My education plays an important role in my life, and I always strive for knowledge and self-development. I am sociable and easily find a common language with different people. My optimism is my inner drive. I believe in a bright future and always try to see the positive side in everything. My optimism helps me overcome difficulties and find joy in small things. I am proud of who I am and am always ready to share my energy and inspiration with those around me.

I'm looking for

I want my partner to be attentive to my feelings and needs. It is important that he notices even small details and shows concern. It is important to me that my partner understands me and is willing to listen. We must be able to communicate openly and sincerely. Each of us needs our own personal space and time. I want my partner to respect my individuality and give me the freedom to be myself. I value intelligence and interest in the world. It is important to me that our relationship is based on mutual respect, understanding and support. I believe that the right partner can complete me and make our lives richer and happier.

Horoscope of Anastasiia from Kyiv

Anastasiia is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)<br><br>
	Horoscope describes Anastasiia as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something 
	(or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal.  This is very little that 
	will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Anastasiia and she may seem somewhat 
	old-fashioned at first.
	It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of 
	the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere 
	compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than 
	insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the 
	potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.  
	Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong 
	sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she 
	can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical 
	affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Anastasiia from Kyiv using services.
Anastasiia is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)

Horoscope describes Anastasiia as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something (or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal. This is very little that will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Anastasiia and she may seem somewhat old-fashioned at first.

It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.

Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Anastasiia from Kyiv using services.
Ukrainian single woman Anastasiia from Kyiv
Confirmed profile


id: 54500
age: 27
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