Ukrainian single Anna from Kyiv personal profile

Ukrainian single woman Anna from Kyiv
Confirmed profile


id: 54841
age: 22
Life is worth living. You can’t live for the first time on black paper and then rewrite it to a clean copy.
Member's ID54841
Zodiac signAries
Birthday09 Apr 2002
Height5' 7'' (1.70m)
Weight108 Lbs (49 kg)
Hair colorBlond
Eye colorHazel
OccupationFood Industry
Marital statusSingle
English spokengood
Plans childrenYes


Drawing, sports, travel, study of psychology, music, cooking.

My personality

Despite my such a young age, I have quite a good experience in life. Undoubtedly, I want to gain even more experience in life with my beloved man who will guide me. I am a kind and sympathetic person who will not leave my family and friends in trouble. I have such qualities as attentiveness, caring for loved ones and, of course, understanding other people’s problems.

I'm looking for

I think that a man should have the qualities that he himself considers. We, women, should not somehow remake a man or tell him what to do. After all, a man is someone who loves and appreciates a woman, who gives her his last and hopes for reciprocity. This is the kind of man I would like to see next to me, in turn, I will do everything to make him happy.

Horoscope of Anna from Kyiv

Anna is Aries (March 21st – April 20th)<br><br>
	The Aries woman is fiery and headstrong. Anna is always direct in her communications – 
	you will never need to wonder what she is thinking.  She is passionate and optimistic and 
	is happiest when everything around her seems larger-than-life. She will be ready and willing 
	to meet any challenge set before her.  No obstacle is insurmountable to an Aries woman Anna.
	She does like to have a modicum of control over her environment, however, and will be 
	uncomfortable if there are frequent changes in her life without any input from her.  An Aries 
	woman in love will go to great lengths to please her partner, as long as he never forgets that 
	she is important too and always treats her as such.
	An Aries woman is full of self-confidence and will take pride in her appearance. When it comes 
	to sex, the she is passionate, impulsive, and almost always in the mood. The more emotionally 
	invested she is in her partner the more likely she will become to take risks in the bedroom. 
	Contact Anna from Kyiv using services.
Anna is Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

The Aries woman is fiery and headstrong. Anna is always direct in her communications – you will never need to wonder what she is thinking. She is passionate and optimistic and is happiest when everything around her seems larger-than-life. She will be ready and willing to meet any challenge set before her. No obstacle is insurmountable to an Aries woman Anna.

She does like to have a modicum of control over her environment, however, and will be uncomfortable if there are frequent changes in her life without any input from her. An Aries woman in love will go to great lengths to please her partner, as long as he never forgets that she is important too and always treats her as such.

An Aries woman is full of self-confidence and will take pride in her appearance. When it comes to sex, the she is passionate, impulsive, and almost always in the mood. The more emotionally invested she is in her partner the more likely she will become to take risks in the bedroom. Contact Anna from Kyiv using services.
Ukrainian single woman Anna from Kyiv
Confirmed profile


id: 54841
age: 22
Life is worth living. You can’t live for the first time on black paper and then rewrite it to a clean copy.
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